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Fish Traps

Printed From: Utah Reefs
Category: Specialized Discussion
Forum Name: Fish
Forum Description: This is the place to ask questions about fish.
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Topic: Fish Traps
Posted By: rfoote
Subject: Fish Traps
Date Posted: April 30 2003 at 8:48am
Wondering if anyone has any great ideas/ways to catch fish?  I have a few damsels I want to get out of my tank and haven't had great success. 

Posted By: KeoDog
Date Posted: April 30 2003 at 10:12am
How about using a very small fish hook.

Kevin Kunz (Sandy, UT)
300g reef

"A trade by which one gains and the other loses is a fraud."   Ayn Rand

Posted By: rfoote
Date Posted: April 30 2003 at 10:16am
Just cut the barb off and put some krill or something on it?

Posted By: KeoDog
Date Posted: April 30 2003 at 10:19am

Kevin Kunz (Sandy, UT)
300g reef

"A trade by which one gains and the other loses is a fraud."   Ayn Rand

Posted By: rfoote
Date Posted: April 30 2003 at 10:20am
Do you hook them or are you thinking they hold onto the krill and you yank em' out real quick?  Sorry never done this before.  Thanks!

Posted By: KeoDog
Date Posted: April 30 2003 at 10:32am
I would think hook them.  I have not tried it either but have seen it suggested many times.

Kevin Kunz (Sandy, UT)
300g reef

"A trade by which one gains and the other loses is a fraud."   Ayn Rand

Posted By: rfoote
Date Posted: April 30 2003 at 10:37am
I'll give it a shot.

Posted By: WhiteReef
Date Posted: April 30 2003 at 12:07pm
Using a hook would be cruel and cause excessive stress on the fish.



Former 47G Column Reef, Magna
20" x 18" x 31"H

Posted By: rfoote
Date Posted: April 30 2003 at 1:11pm
WhiteReef - so what do you recommend?

Posted By: WhiteReef
Date Posted: April 30 2003 at 1:30pm

There are traps that you can buy.  I have had similar issues.  The first one was a damsel that was needing to be removed.  Unfortunately I had way to much rock to be able to just catch it.  I actually removed most of my LR and then netted the fish.  Luckily I found a LPS that took it in.  The other time I had a maroon clown that was being a bully, so I caught it as it was sleeping.  Fish move slower while they are sleeping.

Really it depends on what you have in your tank.  If you have a lot of LR it is a pain to take out the rock to get out a few small fish.  Another way might be to get the fish to feed in a place that you could then capture it in.  As an example a large net or container, but I have had zero luck doing it that way.  Also if is it possible you can section off the tank and get the fish to be cornered where you could capture it.

I guess if you are going to just flush them once you are done with them, then go ahead with the hooky thingy.  It might be another way to get a fishing fix.  (FWIW I am an avid fisherman, so the fishing idea would be interesting, so I guess I don't need to go out doors to enjoy one of my many other addictions/hobbies!)



Former 47G Column Reef, Magna
20" x 18" x 31"H

Posted By: rfoote
Date Posted: April 30 2003 at 1:43pm
I actually feed all my live/frozen food with a turkey baster and every fish I have comes right up to the baster and feeds, except the two damsels I want to get out.  I'd rather not flush them, but I really need them out.  I'll check into some traps as well.  Thanks!

Posted By: Suzy
Date Posted: April 30 2003 at 7:55pm
Send a message to Mark. He's been tank fishin' in the past.....

------------- - - Using Macroalgae for Aquascaping

Posted By: Shane H
Date Posted: April 30 2003 at 8:33pm

Have you tried whistling and slapping your knee? It works with my dogs ...

You might try grabbing them directly after lights out.  I know Jeff has had luck with his Cardinals this way. Maybe the rapid reduction in light confuses them momentarily????

I have seen people hook fish before and I think it is less stressful than tearing up the rock work and chasing them around for an hour. It's also less traumatic on the remaining tank inhabitants.

Maybe you could video it and we could watch it at the next meeting. It would be educational and entertaining.

Good Luck

Posted By: rfoote
Date Posted: April 30 2003 at 8:38pm
Entertaining in the fact of getting a laugh out of me trying to catch a  inch long fish!  Your doing better than me the whistling and slapping of the knee doesn't always get me dogs!

Posted By: Mark Peterson
Date Posted: May 03 2003 at 1:33pm


This thread went a long way before I saw it just now. Since you never called or came by, I brought the trap to the meeting hoping you were still in need of it. Have you caught them yet?

It's not that hard to catch fish when they are asleep and the lights suddenly turn on, unless they sleep in a cavity of the rocks.

For those talking about hooks,, it's a size 22 and it works great on a piece of nightcrawler! It does not damage or bother the fish, or at least it didn't bother mine! I ended up catching the Tomato Clown but that was the wrong one. The five inch Black Velvet Neon Damsel was just too smart so I had to wait until I moved the tank to catch it! They are neat when small but terrible as they age.

The trap is free of charge, courtesy of club member Rick Bangerter, to anyone that wants to borrow it.

Posted By: Mark Peterson
Date Posted: May 03 2003 at 2:11pm

My post above started out poorly worded. What I wish I had said was that I had been wondering if you were still in need of removing some damsels. Then when Jeremy showed up at the meeting with the trap and I gave it to you, not knowing of this thread, I was a little surprised at how enthusiastically you accepted it.

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